The Southern Ocean has some of the most violent weather on the planet, with storms bringing weather up from the sub Antarctic regions to batter the southern coasts of Australia. These storms come ashore on the southern coast of Western Australia, with seas often around 6 to 10 meters high, and can do heavy damage...
Over the past few years some people in the Environmental lobby have questioned the efforts of many large companies when it comes to seeking real changes to, and improvements in the area of Carbon reduction and climate change. Last year at the major LNG 18 Gas Conference held in Perth, Woodside Energy announced a whole...
Everyone in Australia and in many other places know of our beautiful summers and the stunning sunshine and beaches we enjoy. But, in researching the data for the Renewable Energy Projects map, we discovered that Australia actually has one of the highest land surface radiation levels in the world. This makes it an...
This custom built world map is possibly unique, in that it combines the following key features all in one publication: Fully featured full colour political world map with all national political boundaries. All National capitals, and key towns. 130 key ports globally. Ports are highlighted and colour coded to four key commodities:Iron Ore / Coal...
Africa - once called The Dark Continent, is a huge continental land mass covering 6% of the entire Earth's surface, and 20% of it's land mass at 30 million sqkm. Africa contains 1.2 billion people - over 16 % of the earth's population, including over 2000 different languages. Algeria is the largest country by...
India is Australia's fifth largest trading partner after China, the USA, Japan and Europe, and has a population of over 1.2 billion people. Many people believe India would have followed closely behind China to be the next "..economic miracle.." of Asia, and whille there is significant growth happening in the country, there are...
China is Australia's largest trading partner, surpassing our traditional standing with Britain, the USA and Europe. In 2015 we exported over $110 Billion worth of products to the land of the Red Dragon,, and shipped back approximately $45 Billion worth of finished goods to satisfy our consumer and industrial needs. http://www.businessmapsaustralia.com.au/collections/the-trade-map-series/products/china-top-25-coastal-ports Our...
Australia has always relied on the sea for it's connections to the rest of the world, and for the vital importing and exporting of goods that causes the country to thrive... http://www.businessmapsaustralia.com.au/collections/regional-australia/products/shipping-ports-of-australia The country produces and exports a very wide variety of goods to our international trading partners, from the range of Agricultural products such...
The first technology we will look at in considering the Renewable Energy industry in Australia is Wind Power. Wind technology is probably the simplest for to work with in some ways; the wind is used to spin a set of blades on a machine ( not unlike the old windmills), and drive an electric generator. ...
For possibly the first time in Australia, Business Maps Australia, in conjunction with Aspermont Publications, has just completed a unique and comprehensive mapping of the Australian Renewable Energy Industry. This endeavour has included several months of research, and looked at every type of energy generation technology, including Wind, Solar, Marine Wave power, Biomass, Geothermal...